Frequently Asked Questions


1.  May I be placed in my daughter’s unit?


No, we have a strict policy regarding not placing parents and daughters together. This policy extends to all camper units. If your daughter does not share your same last name and we make a mistake and place her in your unit, we always move the girl as we can’t break up the leadership team. This is not a good thing if her friends are also in your unit. Please let us know before camp starts so we can fix things and avoid tears.


Tags, Boys, and PATs have special circumstances where this rule is not always enforced.


2.  May I work fewer than three days or half days all week?


Sorry, but we need our volunteers to be here full days for a minimum of three (3) full days.


3.  Do I really have to attend all of those trainings?


Yes. Maryland law requires camp volunteers to have a certain amount of training. And honestly, would you really want your child to attend a camp where there’s no minimum standard of training?


4.  I asked to be placed with my friend. Why are we not together?


There are many reasons why this may happen, including:

  • Your and your friend’s preferences did not match.
  • You are both part-timers and not working the same days.
  • You are both new and there needed to be a better ratio of experience/inexperience in the unit.
  • Your friend is very popular and has been requested by many people or is already part of an existing leadership team that works well together.


5.  I was placed in a job that I did not request. Why?


You may have been placed with a group with whom you said you were comfortable working, or with whom you have a certain amount of experience. Another reason might be is there was a need for someone to fill that position and you said you are flexible.


6.  My older daughter is a PA. Since she is a volunteer at camp, can my younger daughter be guaranteed admission?


Only an adult volunteering at GSHCDC will guarantee camper placement.


7.  I volunteer with my daughter’s troop during the year. Is she guaranteed admission?


Same as aboveonly an adult volunteering at GSHCDC will guarantee camper placement.


8.  Does my daughter need to be a Girl Scout to attend camp?


Yes, she has to be a registered Girl Scout by no later than Outdoor Training. But she does not need to be registered with a troop. Go to for more registration information.


9.  May my Au Pair/Nanny volunteer for me?


Yes, as long as she/he is over 18, registers as a Girl Scout before Outdoor Training, and passes a background check.


10.  May I share the volunteer job with my spouse?


Yes, but both of you need to be registered Girl Scouts and attend the trainings.


11.  Is there a place for my preschool child and/or young son?


Preschool-age children (girls and boys ages 3-6) can attend camp as Tagalongs (TAGS), and young sons (ages 6-11) can join our Boys unit. You can register them when you sign up as an adult volunteer. They come to camp only on the same day(s) that you do.


12.  There are so many forms! Which forms do I need to complete?


Everything you need to fill out will be in CampDoc. You need a submit a camper application for each camper. If there are PAs, PATs, and/or Adult Volunteers, you need separate applications for each. 


13.  Do I need to furnish references?


In the past, new staff volunteers also needed to provide letters of reference. We are reviewing this requirement, as both past and new volunteers now have to have a background check.


After you register as a volunteer, we will advise if you need to submit any references.    


14.  May volunteers and their children ride the bus?


Yes, we need some adults to ride each bus to and from camp each day as Bus Adults (along with Program Aide bus monitors). If you are interested in doing so, please talk to the Transportation Team.


15.  What is a PAT?


"PAT" stands for "Program Aide in Training." Girl Scouts who have (or are about to) complete a Leadership in Action (LiA) Award may enroll as a PAT. With proper attendance and participation, they will graduate with their PA pin as well as participate in all camp activities. They can then volunteer as Program Aides (PAs) in future years.