Program Aide (PA)


Program Aide (PA) is a Girl Scout who uses leadership skills to share her interests and experiences with younger girls in a troop, group, or camp setting.




To join us as a PA this year, please complete the GSHCDC Program Aide Registration via CampDoc.




PAs and adult volunteers work together to make GSHCDC a fun, interesting, and well-run camp! 


PAs can volunteer in units, programs, and administration:


  • Unit: TAGS, Boys unit, and Girl Scout units (Daisy, Brownie, and Junior age levels)
  • Program: Archery, Crafts, Games, Leather, STEM, Theme, Nature
  • Administration: Health, HQ, Kitchen, Quartermaster, Shed




Camp is a great place to help kids, see familiar faces and make new friends, and have fun outdoors! You can also earn service learning hours for school.




PAs can order lunch on camp days, at a reasonable cost, using our Lunch Order Form. Meals will be prepared on-site by camp kitchen staff and PAs, and available for pick-up at lunchtime.


Orders and pre-payments must be submitted first thing in the morning, when signing in at the PA Unit, using the forms and envelopes available there. 


Pre-payments (to cover multiple days) are encouraged, with any unused funds returned to the PA at the end of the week. But you can also pay for a day at a time. All payments must be made by cash or personal check.


GSHCDC Lunch Order Form (2024)
Paper copies of this form will be available at PA Check-in
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